Zankyou no terror masks
Zankyou no terror masks

zankyou no terror masks

Otherwise not much else to delve into this time around beyond really wanting to know where the dirty bomb is going to be used. If anything Zankyou’s strength lies in its ability to eke so much suspense out of this basic storyline. The one thing that stands out most to me however is the overall simplicity of the plot, focused around a program (for all intents and purposes) designed to nurture intelligence and likely superhuman aspects you’re not selecting kids based upon aptitude tests and then secluding them in a facility with top level researchers in medicine, neuroscience, and pharmaceuticals for much else after all. Although the doubts about Zankyou being able to wrap everything up still are nagging the back of the mind, currently it appears that everything should be sufficiently dealt with, thanks in part to the progress made this episode. Looks as though we are now moving into the endgame which is certainly welcome news considering there’s only three episodes remaining. Due to various circumstances, Zankyou posts may come out closer to Friday night EDT from this point forward.


In order to save some time (I recently started a full time job), the new post format will not be used for the remaining episodes.“The situation may be worse than we thought.” Next week certainly can’t come soon enough, and the quote from this episode certainly rings true: I had mentioned all the way back in the first few episodes that Sphinx could very well end up influencing the youth to a significant degree due to their actions, and whether or not it’s their intent, it’s quite clear that this is starting to happen, and it may not be insignificant in terms of how it influences the future. Last but not least, I think the big thing I’d like to touch upon is how one of the people interviewed by Shibazaki actually had a Sphinx mask in their house. No matter what one’s thoughts were about the previous episodes, there’s definitely a lot of potential to be had with the remaining episodes, and if there’s one person to execute it, it’d be Watanabe. Either way, it sets up for a pretty good cliffhanger with Twelve running off to save Lisa on his bike, and I’m pretty darn excited to see what happens next. One would assume they’re talking about the stolen plutonium (potentially for use in a nuclear device or dirty bomb?), but at the same time it looks like there might be more to the story than just that, and they’re doing a good job masking most of the cast’s overall intent. The thing-of course-that remains however, is what exactly that puzzle piece is, as well as what “the object” is that Sphinx seems to own. The thing is though, now that Shibazaki’s got nothing to lose, he’s arguably more dangerous than ever before ( have some extortion!), and judging by his reaction at the end of the episode, it’s clear he’s found an important piece of the puzzle. With that said, it’s a bit surprising that Shibzaki merely gets off with a suspension considering what he did last week, but considering Five’s obvious distress at this point, it’s highly possible she just didn’t think him worth bothering to dispose of (or it wasn’t possible even for them to take such drastic measures). Time is the greatest enemy here, and it’s a notion that applies not only to the past and present links between Five, Nine, and Twelve and what they want to achieve, but also in regards to Shibazaki’s attempt to dig up more information about the Athena Plan. Ultimately, t’s but a brief respite for our main cast-highlighted by a great insert vocal-and it just emphasizes the nature of what they’re doing here. It didn’t quite happen the way I expected it to, but ultimately it was just like Five to utilize the personalities of our cast against them in order to bait her (and thus also Sphinx), and it looks like she’ll end up getting the exact response she wanted. Zankyou no Terror’s back though and the pieces are starting to come together for what could be a climactic finale to remember for the ages.įor now however, let’s look back at the key events of this week, the most major of which could be nothing other than Five’s capture of Lisa. It might’ve only been a one week skip, but it sure felt like an eternity.

Zankyou no terror masks